
MLM Success Strategy - Leads Come Hot or Cold I Prefer Hot

When I first started building my Network Marketing business my MLM success strategy meant that I would invest several hundred dollars into names, phone numbers and email addresses and start dialling for dollars. I remember thinking to myself I hit the mother lode.I didn't have to leave my house, no trips needed to the local hotel meetings, all that I needed to do was order leads and sign people up this is too easy.After 9 years of dialling numbers I have found that all leads are not created equal and all of the hype that describes these leads is rarely even close to the truth. I would get some leads that I thought if I hit my had with a hammer the pain would be less than calling one more of those so called "Hot Prospects that are eagerly waiting to Motorcycle Goggles hear about your opportunity!" Wow …..eager? most of them would slam the phone in my ear.Not all lead sources are bad and there are some that I have found to be very reputable; however, calling "cold leads" or leads that have never heard of you or your opportunity can really leave you feeling discouraged. Be a top leader in my company my wife and I were flown from our home in Alberta Canada to Miami and then on to Jamaica for a week and stayed at a beautiful Sandals Resort. We had a great time and while there I had the opportunity to meet another top recruiter. This guy was amazing! He was a sign up machine and in November of 2008 signed up 25 consultants into his team.It was a by chance meeting, that we got to meet this fellow as we had never been introduced to Iphone 4s Stylus Pen each other before. We met him one evening at one of the lounges on the resort. After brief introductions I very easily quarried him on his secret that allowed him to sign up 25 people in one month. He told me that apart from consistent effort and excellent closing skills he had what he considered to be the best leads available. He told me that he would receive a badge of leads to send out each day and he would simply call back the people who responded to the e-mails.I felt so empowered I thought I was going to explode. I had finally after nine years discovered serendipitously the best leads you can get. the leads were inexpensive to acquire and converted into new distributors very rapidly. I found myself wanting to be back home and not remain at the resort. Of course I did continue to enjoy myself for the balance of the holiday but when I arrived home I immediately got plugged into the same system he had. I don't limit myself strictly to this lead source but I'm sure you have a good idea by now if I'm still using. So guess what my MLM success strategy has changed. See the rest of my article on my blog for the rest of the article.

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